
Falkor is an 11 month old full Saluki. He is around 23 inches to the shoulder and weighs just 17kg. Although he was 15kg when he landed and does need to gain a little more weight still.
Falkor is another who joined us as an unclaimed stray from the pound as his time was served. His breeder was listed on the chip and contacted but stated he had sold him and could not remember who to.
Falkor is an absolute dream. He is a typical young playful puppy in so many ways but others quite a grown up and sensible boy.
Out on walks you literally in the main do not know you have him on the lead. However, typically young male Saluki Falkor can be a little vocal and pushy when first meeting dogs on lead. Off lead in an enclosed area he is good with dogs and actually a little subservient to them.
Falkor we feel could easily settle as an only dog if there was someone at home all or most of the time especially in the beginning to settle him.
We also feel he would be suitable to live alongside a female/females preferably sighthound.
Falkor is much more bristly when first meeting male dogs so we do not feel a home with male dogs would be best placed.
He is not cat friendly but can be rehomed with dog savvy children 6 years and upwards.
Off lead in the paddock at times Falkor is very biddable and listens. At other times he cocks the notoriously well known Saluki deaf ear so we feel unless in a secure area he would be best exercised on lead.
Falkor travels like a dream. In fact he travels so well when we collected him from the stray kennels we had to question twice that we had actually loaded him.
Falkor is vaccinated, kc vaccinated, de flead, de wormed, microchipped and has been castrated.
Normally we would let a young male mature a little more but one of Falkors testicles had not dropped and was retained placing him at greater risk. Being so well balanced behaviourally and only a small slight dog we opted to ensure that it was done safely and sensibly with our sighthound savvy vet.
Falkor will also be rehomed with one months free insurance with Petplan.
As stunning as Salukis are often they are not a novice owners dog. They need a sensible owner who understands that they tend to be quite aloof at times with those outside of their family and also willing to ensure he is kept safe.
Falkor is currently located at our kennels in Stoke on Trent. Anyone wishing to offer Falkor a home would need to be willing to travel to meet him with all immediate members of the family and any current resident dogs.
If you are interested in offering Falkor a home please in the first instance complete the pre adoption questionnaire below

Adoption Process


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